Haji Umar
The Integration of Mon-Khmer
Languages (Indigenous Languages) into Malay and Thai: a Study of Language
Maintenance and Language Loss
This paper
investigates the integration of Mon-Khmer languages (indigenous languages) of
the Austro-Asiatic language family into Malay and Thai, the dominant languages
brief description of the historical background and characteristics of the
languages are provided for better understanding of linguistic integration of
these indigenous languages into the dominant languages of the two countries.
The maintenance and change of the linguistic system are explored and explained
with description of physical change in the lexical items, and through the
aspects of socio-economic and socio-political influence. It is found that
culture and surroundings of the communities which the speakers originate from,
contributed immensely to the formation of their world view, impacting their
paper is part of an on-going genetic and typological study of the Mon Khmer
languages conducted by the author and a group of other researchers. This paper
endeavours to provide researchers in the area of language integration a better
insight on how linguistics and anthropological approach can provide evidence of
language loss and possible extinction of these languages.