Central Department of Linguistics, Kirtipur Kathmandu
Pronouns in the Santhali
According to (Gordon: 2005)
the Santhali language is also known as Satar, Sonthal Sangtal Sainti, Santal,
Hor, Har, or Sandal. In this abstract
and the paper (to be prepared in detail), we will be using as the Santhali
language or Santhali.
In the Santhali language,
there are five types of pronouns (preliminary study). They are: Personal,
Demonstrative, Reflexive, Interrogative, and Possessive Pronouns
This study is based on the
information provided by the language consultant Mr Dilip Kumar Baske.
The first person pronouns can
also be divided into first, second and third person pronouns. In the first
person pronoun, it does have the singular, dual and plural. With respect to the
second person, the Santhali language possesses three levels: low, mid and high.
Similarly, in third person, it is marked for male and female and singular, dual
and plural.
One of the interesting
features from the point of view of linguistics is that it has five types of
demonstrative pronouns: near, far, very far, remote and very remote (to be
verified). Both possessive and reflexive pronouns have three different systems:
singular dual and plural (inclusive and exclusive).
Gurung, H.,
Yogendra Gurung and Chhabilal Chidi (2006).
Gordon (2005).
(ed.) Ethnologue: Languages of the
Yogendra P and Others (2008). The Documentation of the Santhali Language. A
report submitted to NFDIN.