Sikder Monoare Murshed
Dept. of Linguistics, University of Dhaka
language of Bangladesh:
only representative of Austro-Asiatic family
More than 45 indigenous communities leaved in Bangladesh with
thirty deferent languages. Linguistically Khasi is only representative from
Mon-Khmer of Austro-Asiatic language family but anthropologically they are
Mongoloid. Mainly they leave in Sylhet District of north-eastern part of Bangladesh. According
to the 1991 census their population was 12300, but the Khashi community thinks
their population is around 30,000. The Khasis also live in Meghalaya state of India. There
are many stories and legends about origin of the Khasi community. The Khasiyas
appear to be an isolated group, speaking a monosyllabic language which cannot
be classed with any other of the same family. According to Mawrie (2001) ‘The
Khasis have their home of origin somewhere in western china which was the
migrating ground of many other tribes who spread to Indo-china,
Cambodia and Myanmar’. The
Burmese known Khasi’s as Ka-se or Ka-the. They have also other
name like- cussay, khyee , khasas , khasiys etc. According to Hamlet
Bareh (1977) 'Khasis is an off-shoot of the Mon-Khmer language, a group of
Austro-Asiatic family is Malayo-Polynesian. Khasi forms an isolated Austric
island in the midst of the neighboring speeches such as Bengali, Assamese,
Biete and Vaiphei, Garo, Diamasa and Lalun and has retained its identity since
ages past'. They do not have their own scripts but they adapted roman scripts.
The Khasi language divided into many dialects and now-a-days this language
community not only surrounded by the IA and TB families, but also influenced
and changed day by day. This paper is made on this very ground.
Bareh, Hamlet. 1977. The
Languages and Literatures of Meghalaya. Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced
Mawrie, B.L., The Khasis and
their Natural Environment: A Study of the Eco-consciousness and
Eco-spirituality of the Khasis. Vendrame Institute Publications, Shillong.