Sunil Baraik and Bisheshwar Munda

Department of Tribal & Regional Languages, Ranchi University, India




Peculiarities of Munda Folk-Song & Dance


Jharkhand is the eastern part of Central tribal belt of India. In this state 32 tribes dwell together peacefully having 3 language families i.e.; Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic. In the AA group there are four languages or tribes i.e.; Munda, Santhal, Ho and Kharia.

Munda folk dances are very much different from other AA groups like Kharia, Santhal and Ho. Even the instruments which are used by the Mundas are very much bigger than the other AA tribes. They have got many variations according to the season and time (morning, evening, night, midnight etc.). Munda male and female never join hands together while dancing. They divide themselves into two groups i.e.; Male and Female, where male group leads the song and the other follows it. Use of synonyms, which have no meaning in the daily language, is extensive in the folk-songs of the Mundas.

In my paper I will discuss questions such as: what are the characteristics that make them peculiar? Why the females never lead or join hands with the male while dancing. How many dancing patterns (styles) they have according to time and season? What are the instruments they use? What are the myths related to songs and dances of the Mundas?